Auspacim has an established track record in managing a fund platform. Long before many of our competitors were established, we were gaining valuable experience in working with managers to structure, launch and operate funds across multiple structures and multiple strategies.
Auspacim provides a means whereby each client can select service providers from a wide range of counterparties. Our platform enables clients to mix and match between the legal counsel, administrators, brokers, custodians and auditors of their choice. There is no pre-determined set of service providers that we provide to our clients.
Auspacim recognizes its primary role as a service provider to our clients who enlist our assistance in creating and operating a fund. We understand that the fund is an expression of their investment strategy and that our job is to execute the fund in a manner that reflects our role as the conduit to implement those investment decisions.
At Auspacim we do as we say. We do not make promises that we cannot deliver because we are keenly aware that our clients depend on us for the effective operation of their business.
Auspacim does not manage its own proprietary capital. Consequently it does not use the information and ideas generated by its managers for its own gain. We avoid any conflict of interest.
Given our years of experience and the number of counterparties that we already deal with, Auspacim can bring funds to market in a relatively short period of time.
Auspacim recognizes that at some point managers on its platform may wish to spin out and establish their own licensed asset management company. We do not stand in our managers way and have a clear and transparent process to move the fund to their new company with no trailing fees.
We pursue & value long term, truly client-focused relationships that deliver our clients a consistent professional experience. Our approach adds value to our clients and has driven our business development over the last decade. The high number of referrals we receive from both current & past clients and our service-provider partners is testament to this.
Auspacim focuses on honesty, openness, transparency & fairness in all business activities. We foster an environment of high ethical standards, trust, integrity & professionalism. We never forget our fiduciary duty to our investors and clients.
Auspacimg is majority-owned by the founders who run the business day to day. We do not have any financial links to any bank, insurance company, investment firm or fund service provider. This precludes conflicts of interest. This freedom enables us to offer an "open architecture" unbound to any particular service provider and allows free choice in counterparty selection and flexibility in fund structuring.
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The funds mentioned herein have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933 or under the securities laws of any state and the funds have not been and will not be registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “Investment Company Act”). Interests in the funds may not be offered or sold within the United States or to United States Persons (as defined under Regulation S of the Securities Act), except in a transaction not subject to, or pursuant to an exemption from, the registration requirements of the Securities Act and any applicable state securities laws and which would not require the funds to register under the Investment Company Act.